Pete Bowen's site

Google Ads on your own? It's uphill all the way.

This is for you if you’re doing Google Ads on your own.

Whatever the reason, doing Google Ads on your own is hard.

You don’t have anyone you can collaborate with, ask questions of or get guidance from. And, if CPC skyrockets or conversions crash or ads get disapproved, or you get flooded with junk it's all on you. You, and only you, have to figure out what went wrong and come up with a way to get performance back on track.

You can learn enough from YouTube, Reddit or Google’s Skillshop to take you from beginner to intermediate. But you won't find advanced training in books or courses. That comes from working with more experienced colleagues. If you don’t have access to someone you’re going to hit a plateau. Your learning stalls and you get stuck at your current level.

You know you should be able to make Google Ads deliver great results but, it’s almost impossible to get there by yourself.

In a perfect world you’d have a marketing dream-team.

You could bounce ideas off them, get help when you need it and share the load when something went wrong. You’d be able to tap into their insight into best practice and what’s working for other advertisers.

In such an environment you’d learn fast. Your campaigns would get better results - lower costs, more leads, better ROI.

You’d become confident that you could handle whatever Google threw at you.

Get answers without wasting hours on generic Reddit posts or YouTube videos.

That’s where my on-demand 1-to-1 mentoring service comes in. You’ll get help, advice, support and answers without having to commit to a long-term contract.

Here’s how it works…

  1. Send me a list of things you want to discuss or questions you have. If I can help or give useful answers we’ll arrange a time to meet. Your list can be as specific or as general as you like.
  2. We’ll meet on Zoom to work through the questions you’ve asked. Usually for an hour which gives us enough time to get into the detail but isn’t exhausting.
  3. We’ll record our session for your reference. Some clients like to use an online transcription service to produce a written record too. (I’ll give you details if you want to do this.)
  4. I’ll send you an invoice with a link to pay by card. In most jurisdictions this is tax-deductible. (Consult your accountant to confirm).

Some of my clients have used our time together:-

I have deep experience in using Google Ads for lead generation. But, I’m not a good fit if you’re doing e-commerce or advertising for a SAAS business. I can’t help with SEO, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok or Instagram ads.

Schedule a free get-to-know-you chat (recommended).

I recommend that we start with a short chat on Zoom to see if we're a good fit for each other. There is no cost or obligation for this.

Schedule a paid consultation.

A paid consultation costs $150 / hour. We can meet once or more often - an hour a week is a popular - but you don't need to commit to anything other than the first meeting.

I want to help, and if I can’t, I don’t want your money.

If at any time during our session you feel like you’re not getting what you’d hoped for I want you to tell me. (Please don't be uncomfortable about this.) We’ll stop our session and I won’t send you a bill.

Ask a question.

Client Testimonials.

... for the most part digital marketing is a lonely affair... So it's incredibly valuable to have someone at this level of knowledge - and who I may add is not afraid to say 'I don't know the answer to that'.
The thing is as you progress with knowledge you hit a level where it's not just about easy YES/NO or do this, don't do that. The nuances and complexity of a situation (as a function of google's blackbox, broader business environment etc) make themselves known and you end up with theories that need testing in the best case.
Pete is definitely at that topmost level of knowledge in this domain.

Oliver Bryant, Co-Founder and CEO,

Hey Pete,
Just wanted to say thank you again for your time and advice. In the predatory world of marketing advice and courses and gurus, it was incredibly encouraging and refreshing to speak with you. I appreciated your advice on multiple levels and will give you an update in a couple of weeks.

Lukas Mekler-Culbertson

Pete has been a critical piece for our agency since we first met. He has helped us immensely with Google Ads performance consulting, as well as giving us actionable insights for our agency growth.
I had no idea how valuable it was to have an experienced second set of eyes look at what we were doing until I met Pete. I am looking forward to get more of his constructive feedback and maintain our partnership in the future.

Juan de Gracia, Agency Owner

Pete. Well, I'm pleased to tell you that after I applied most of your recommendations, my cost per lead in the last 30 days is down to $45 on average. I was fairly happy with $75-$90 before!

Clay Carson, Act One - Marble and Tile

I recently had the pleasure of receiving expert Google Ads advice from Peter, and I cannot overstate the impact of his guidance on my advertising efforts.
From the outset, Peter demonstrated a deep understanding of Google Ads, offering insights that were both highly relevant and immediately actionable. His advice was not only tailored to my specific needs but also delivered with clarity and patience, ensuring I could apply it effectively to enhance my campaigns.
Given the significant improvements I've already observed, I look forward to continuing my cooperation with Peter to further refine and improve my advertising strategies.

Asaad H, Projects Manager

What was the obstacle or hesitation that would have prevented you from buying this service Unsure how to apply the knowledge from the mentor sessions to myself. Unsure as to what direction (Structure of sessions) to take the mentorship. This is due to lack of prior experience/knowledge.

What did you find as a result of buying this service? Has given me more confidence in the work I do. Has given me more clarity. Deeper knowledge into more complex topics.

What specific feature did you like most about this service? The ability to decide which topics to discuss. (This was also a double edge sword. Due to my lack of experience I do not know if I am learning the right things for what I currently need.)

What would be three other benefits about this service? Convenience of occurrence and schedule. Not locked into the service. Pay per session. 1on1 access to years of industry knowledge.

Would you recommend this service? If so, why? Yes, to a freelancer with experience or someone running a small agency. Reason: You can gather information tailored to your needs from both a technical and business perspective. Requires prior knowledge to guide the conversation.

Is there anything you’d like to add?... Overall I am really happy with the results of our sessions. It has allowed me to build more confidence in myself and that I am going in the general right direction. Going forward I would like to consider a strategy session to help understand my own goals and what I want to learn.

Saif K., Freelancer