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How to make OK money from small clients

You have to work with the clients you can get, not the ones you hope for. Sometimes - especially in the beginning - you might not be able to attract big-budget clients.

I accidentally ended up owning a Google Ads agency where 99% of my clients were spending < $300 a month on ads. (How it happened is a story for another time.)

I’ve been lucky enough to work with bigger clients since then, but, those first low-budget clients got me there. I wouldn't have been able to stay in business long enough to move up the ladder without them.

Here's a list of things I wish someone had told me in my first year of working with low-budget clients.

Choose good clients

Work efficiently

Run your business efficiently

Managing clients

Do less


Pricing and billing

You might find these articles useful:

Grow your own bigger-budget clients and Can you run Google Ads on autopilot

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