Most businesses who advertise online to get leads struggle to contact people who filled in an enquiry form. A recent analysis of almost 30 000 lost deals showed that 44% were lost because a salesperson couldn't contact the lead.
One way to improve this is to get leads to call you instead of filling in an enquiry form. Here are 5 things you can do to increase the number of leads that call vs filling in a form.
Google allows you to add a phone number to your ads. When someone sees your ad while searching on a mobile phone they'll be able to click a button on the ad and call you.
If you do this, please check how many of the leads that originated with a call from an ad end up turning into customers.
I ask because I did a large-scale breakdown of how well calls turned into customers for a client. We found that people who called direct from the ad were less likely to contract than people who visited the website first and then called.
Your results might be different but it's worth monitoring.
This works if your visitor is on a mobile phone. It also works for visitor on computers if they have something like Skype set up as their 'computer phone'.
Here's the simplest HTML to make a clickable phone number link:
<a href="tel:your number here">your number here</a>
A scan-to-call QR code saves a visitor on a computer from having to type your number into their phone. It's a small thing to remove some friction.
You can see how this works if you scan the example QR code below with your phone camera. It'll offer to call 555-555-5555 (not a real phone number).
You can generate a QR code for your number here:
You could remove the enquiry form to force people to call or go away, but that means you miss out on leads who don't want to call. I think it's a poor choice.
An alternate is to make the phone number / click-to-call button more prominent by:-
You can make the enquiry form less prominent by doing the opposite:-
You might want to include some text like below close to the phone number / click-to-call button.
Calls answered 8am to 5pm. Please leave voicemail outside office hours.
I offer 1-to-1 mentoring and consulting. You’ll get help, advice, support and answers without having to commit to a long-term contract. Details here.
Over the last few years I've done deep work with a handful of clients to increase the number of sales they made from their Google and Facebook leads. I've put what I've learned into a 9-lesson email course.
You’ll learn:-
My experience has been that it will deliver more sales if:-
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