Pete Bowen's site

I lost the last 3 deals I pitched because I made the same mistake (3 times).

I lost the last 3 deals I pitched on because I made the same mistake every time. I forgot to ask when they wanted me to start managing their Google Ads.

(To be fair, I'm a little rusty. I haven't wanted more managed-for-you Google Ads clients for a while so I haven't had much practice selling.)

I felt like our meetings went well. We even got past the hard bit where I told them how much I charge and asked them if they wanted to go ahead.

All 3 said yes. I started looking at new surfboards.

Then, the day after the meetings, I got 3 'not now, maybe later' emails.

I don't know about you, but in my experience not now = never.

'When' is a power-question.

I'd missed something that was making my potential clients reluctant. Asking when they wanted to start would have uncovered it. 'When' changes the project from theoretical to something that's actually going to happen. It flips the discussion from deciding if to deciding how.

The answer signals a commitment to going ahead, or it uncovers hidden reluctance.

If I'd asked when they wanted to start I'd have got one of two answers:-

But, I didn't and so I lost the deals. The good news is that it won't happen again. I've added 'Ask when' to my call note template. I won't forget next time.

Hope you found this useful.

Next steps

1. Get a new article every Tuesday. Put your details in the form below and I'll keep you updated.

2. Need help with Google Ads? I offer 1-to-1 consulting and mentoring on things related to Google Ads, landing pages and turning more leads into sales. You’ll get help, advice, support and answers without having to commit to a long-term contract. Details here.

3. Want someone to manage your Google Ads for you? I might be a good fit if you're using Google Ads to generate leads. Please contact me to arrange a chat.

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How to get leads from different sources into your CRM automatically I’ve got a client in the motor trade who gets about 2 000 leads a month from 22 different online sources. Here's how we put them into his sales engine automatically without expensive computer code.

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Make more sales from PPC leads by understanding why people enquire. Understanding why people buy is key to making more sales. Here's how you can get started right away.

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Should I specialise or be a generalist? I often get asked whether it’s best to specialise or be a generalist. I understand why but I think it's the wrong question. I think a better question is ...

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Should you use Target CPA bidding for lead generation campaigns? Google wants you to use Target CPA bidding. Is it right for lead generation campaigns? Read on to find out.

I've inherited a mess. Crazy structure, gibberish naming convention and 22 conversion actions that might or might not mean anything. Here is a collection of principles, tips and ideas for when you inherit a messy Google Ads account.

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A love letter to statistics This is for you if you’re interested in making data-driven decisions about your Google Ads. Amy Hebdon, founder at Paid Search Magic, wrote a fantastic article she described a love letter disguised as a how to about PPC data interpretation.

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CAPTCHA is like putting barbed wire in front of your shop Don't make it difficult for your customers to contact you. Businesses with the smoothest processes will attract (and keep) the best customers.

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Does Google rip advertisers off? I'm not saying that everyone who's paid for Google ads has turned a profit. That's definitely not the case. But, when people lose money on Google ads its likely to be because Google Ads was a poor fit for their business, or because of the way they did Google Ads. I can't see Google risking their future to steal your advertising budget

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How the mix of people who see your ads affects Google Ads performance. Learn how changes in searcher's intent, network, time of day etc affect Google Ads performance.

How the new search ad position metrics can help diagnose a drop in CTR You might be scratching your head wondering why your clickthrough rate plummeted even though your average position was 1.2. Google's new search position metrics shed some light.

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How to find the real reason conversions dropped. A sudden unexplained drop in conversions is terrifying. You’re paying for clicks but you’re not getting leads or sales. It’s bad when you’re spending your boss’s or client’s money. It’s even worse when it’s your business on the chopping block. Read on to find out how to get to the bottom of coversion problems.

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How to improve landing page experience. Improving page speed helps improve landing page experience. Google's guidance is broad, not specific. That makes it hard to know what to do. Google does provide one specific set of instructions, following these will improve landing page experience and boost conversion rates.

How to Increase AdWords Impressions. There are two ways to get more AdWords impressions. Increase the reach of your adverts and give Google more incentive to show your adverts. Here's how to do both.

I ignored quality score for a year I used to think quality score was vital, but in the year I’ve ignored QS and focussed on other metrics: - our ads have been clicked more often. - Our landing pages are better at turning visitors into leads. - Our clients are getting superior leads from their Google Ads spend.

I’m getting too many B2C leads. I want only B2B. I’ve bumped into this problem with almost every client who sells to other businesses (B2B) not to consumers (B2C). Here are some options ..

I’m paying for clicks but I'm not getting enough leads. Read on to learn how your website could be sabotaging your advertising. And, what you can do to get more leads from your the clicks you've already paid for.

I'm scared I'll break my campaign If you don't feel confident making changes to Google Ads campaigns this might help...

Improve conversion rates by adding extra calls to action. Need to improve your conversion rate? Here's a tested approach that takes only a few minutes.

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Landing pages: Click-to-call or contact form? You get the highest conversion rates from landing pages that concentrate on convincing visitors to do just one thing. Offer visitors too many choices and they bounce. But what if there are two equally good things your visitor could do?

Should you advertise on Search Partners? We check the campaigns we manage regularly to see how much it costs to generate an enquiry on Google search versus search partners. Most of the time it costs more or less the same. Sometimes the difference is huge.

Should you show ads to people on their phones? It is a fact that more people use the internet on their phones than they do on computers these days. But are these glued-to-their-phone types going to buy from you?

The hidden trade-offs of automated bidding I like automated bidding. But, there are some trade offs with automated bidding that are not well documented.

Use HTTPS for your landing pages or kill your conversion rate. The number of website enquiries you get is going to fall off a cliff after 24th of October if your website doesn't use HTTPS. After the 24th of October 2017, Google Chrome will warn people that web pages with forms are insecure unless they’re served over HTTPS. Here's how to fix this.

Using the Search Terms Report to find negative keywords. The Search Terms Report is a great place to find negative keywords to add to your AdWords campaign. It shows (some of) the actual words and phrases that triggered your ads.

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How to improve landing page conversion rates by increasing visitor motivation Here's how I doubled the conversion rate on some Google Ads lead generation landing pages by improving visitor's motivation.

Putting a little science into AdWords In the past I relied on a combination of the change history in AdWords, some rough notes and my memory to keep track of my testing. It worked but it wasn't great. It became more difficult as my business grew. I started to feel like I was losing control. I couldn't answer questions about an account without having to root around in Google docs, AdWords and email. Read on to see how I fixed this.

Google Ads: Automated vs manual bidding. The question: "How much of a performance gain can I expect with good manual tuning?" I decided not to answer the exact question and suggest an alternative to manual tuning.